The orthodontic treatment is a dentistry specialty that works placing teeth in the corresponding place of the mouth, through light corrective forces. Arch wire, brackets and other elements that allow us to do different dental movements generate these forces.
Nowadays, the objectives of the most important advances of that discipline are to give to thepatients faster and more comfortable treatments, and above everything, less visible for the persons around us.
It is important to distinguish between orthodontic treatment and orthopaedic treatment.
The orthopaedic treatment is specially used for children and it uses removable braces (That means that the patient can put and remove the brace), contrary to orthodontic treatment which uses a fixed brace (that means that it can’t be removed).
The orthopaedic treatment basically accompanies the growth of the child, therefore, we can correct narrow palates, cross bites, under bites, bad respiratory habits, etc. Improving like that the face appearance of the child and making easier the orthodontic treatment, if necessary.
Generally, an orthopaedic treatment must go on with an orthodontic treatment, because the orthopaedic treatment acts during the growth period (accompanying, urging on or preventing the development of some areas of our mouth and face), but it doesn’t correct bad positions of the teeth, for that we need an orthodontic treatment.
From 9 or 10 years old, we can start to use a fixed brace. The orthodontic treatment does not have any age limit. The teeth can be corrected at any age. It is advisable to take the children to the orthodontist before 6 years old, to detect important skeletal or dental alterations soon and correct them easily.
We can make the orthodontic treatment with metallic or aesthetic brackets, depending on what the patient wants, and in little time, you’ll see big changes.
Working techniques and braces have developed; consequently, we have aesthetic techniques that make that braces aren’t seen.
Aesthetic orthodontic treatment: For conventional orthodontic cases, there are materials
with the colour of the teeth. The apparatus are white and imperceptible to the eyesight at approximately one meter.
Invisalign: It consists of some invisible and removable aligners that be changed regularly for new aligners. This corrects malocclusions and lines up the palate.
One of the Invisalign’s advantages is that the brackets, the molar bands and the metallic wires, which can accumulate some food and some dental plaque, are not used.
Lingual orthodontic treatment: With a fixed brace, his brackets are placed on the internal surface of the teeth, behind them. Thanks to the brackets accompanied by metallic arch wires, placed on them, we can change the position of the teeth. But with the advantage that is invisible.
For all that, in CLINICA DENTAL MARIO OLIDEN, we can offer treatments for adults, totally invisible.
It is easy to realize that a white and aligned smile is splendid. But a perfect smile is a healthy smile as well, from the point of view of health.
In the cases of crammed and separate teeth, periodontal diseases may come up, like inflamed and irritated gums.
When we do not take care about our teeth and jaws, which have incorrect positions, it can cause difficulties to speak and annoying problems to chew. Invisalign can improve both problems, giving well-proportioned teeth and jaws.
You must keep in mind that a healthy mouth is very important to keep a healthy brace in your mouth. It’s important to be careful with your diet not to break or remove the brace as well.