In “Centro Clínico Dental Dr Mario Oliden” all operations are planned with a computer-assisted surgery. This let us obtain high predictable results in final rehabilitations.
We have been working since 1993 in order to give comprehensive solutions to our patients.
Our extensive professional experience let us frequently treat patients who cannot find an adequate solution anywhere else.
The implant is a simple and painless treatment that allows, through titanium attachments in the
bone of the jaw, the replacement in a natural way of the lost teeth roots. Removable denture can also be used as a fixation.
The implant is made of alloy of titanium, the most accepted material by our organism. The surgical intervention takes about 20 minutes and after that, the patient must take some antibiotic and some analgesic to avoid slight pain during the postoperative period.
Once the implants are placed, it is necessary to wait a period of time in order to make the biological integration of the bone with the implant easier, a process called Osseointegration. It’s important to remember that waiting time lasts from 3 to 5 months, depending on the case and jaw, whether upper or lower.
The aesthetic crowns without metal placed on the implant obtain an amazing aesthetic and functional result, and they look very natural.
It allows the replacement of individual teeth when there is only one tooth missing, with no need to damage teeth nearby.
It allows the total rehabilitation of jaws without any teeth through placing 4, 6 or 8 implants.
This procedure allows placing the implants and the fixed teeth in just one appointment.
When it is necessary to extract one tooth in bad conditions, the tooth is pulled out; the implant
and the PROVISIONAL FIXED CROWN are placed during the same intervention.
This way, the patient will never be without teeth. Moreover, the postoperative period will be
more enjoyable with that screwed provisional crown.
This procedure is called immediate loaded implant.
When the biological period of integration from 3 to 5 month is over, we start to place the
definitive fixed crown (Metal-ceramics or Zirconium without metal).
When the patient doesn’t have enough bone, he usually thinks that he cannot have anything fixed in his mouth.
For these patients an innovative technique was created: 4 implants and the fixed dentures are placed the same day of the surgery.
Although this technique was used at first for patients with little bone, it is suitable for all types of patients.
Thanks to our extensive professional experience, we are able to offer this advanced technique of implantology.
When the patient has enough bone to support 6 implants, we offer this option as a complete solution for the jaw.
This technique is similar to the ALL ON 4 one, but instead of 4 implants, 6 implants are placed in each jaw.
The patient will have fixed teeth since the first day and his definitive rehabilitation will be done with ceramics.